Cars for Christ
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! - Psalm 133:1
Do you have a classic car ? Do you love classic cars?
Join us on the 2nd Monday of each Month (May – October) from 4:30 – Dusk
for fun and friendship at West End United Methodist Church Cars for Christ Fellowship,
1800 Rodman Avenue, Portsmouth, VA at the corner of Greenway Ct, E. & Rodman Ave.
Bring your Classic, Modified, Hot Rod and Cruiser automobiles and motorcycles to show.
If you don’t have a car to show, we welcome you to come, walk around, and enjoy the cars of yesteryear.
* Dinner will be provide for all car exhibitors.
For more info contact: Leon Jackson (757) 277-5519 or Roger Everett (757) 729-3459